ReimaginED Teaching, LLC, led by Antonia Cameron, is an organization designed to transform education by reimagining the teaching and learning of mathematics. We believe that a big part of the challenge is that mathematics teaching is rooted in a cultural pattern that focuses on doing rather than thinking. Although ReimaginED Teaching is a relatively new company, Toni and her collaborators bring years of teaching and coaching experiences to each session we design and facilitate.

Antonia Cameron:
Is It Fair? Math Routine


Early Childhood Math Routines:
Empowering Young Minds to Think
Authors: Antonia Cameron, Patricia Gallahue, Danielle Iacoviello

Agents of Change
Authors: Antonia Cameron, Lucy West
Podcast featuring Reimagined
Ep 9.: Our Coaching Learning Community (CLC)
Renowned content coach and author, Antonia Cameron, and Renee McShane, share how coaching learning communities (CLCs) nurture reflective, intuitive coaching practices through collaboration and analysis of effective leadership and communication skills.
Toni and Renee speak to the benefits of knowing ourselves and what we value as human beings and educators and how self-knowledge is the foundation of transformational coaching. They also share how being able to identify our own pitfalls as listeners and communicators can significantly improve our coaching practice.

Product Recommendation

At ReimaginED, our products are designed to enhance understanding AND to move students away from counting! The MathRack supports the prioritizing of fives and tens. MathRack products support invented strategies of children using moveable objects and are aligned with ALL Math Curriculums.