What is a Teaching Learning Community?
ReimaginED Teaching Learning Communities (TLC) offers educators an opportunity to participate in school-based professional development over a 3-day series, each hosted in a different school. Each community is designed around a specific topic. The Problem Solving TLC will give educators an opportunity to explore a range of tasks and observe children engaging with them in a variety of classroom settings. These tasks revolve around big ideas, have many entry points, are relevant, have a high cognitive demand, and are often contextualized using real-life situations. As members of this community, participants have opportunities to plan, view a lesson taught, and analyze student work samples.
Session 1: January 24, 2024 @ The Town School
Session 2: February 28, 2024 @ PS 6M
Session 3: March 27, 2024 @ PS 397M
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CTLE: 18 credits for all 3 days
Gr. 3-6 teachers, coaches, special educators, and/or teacher leaders who want to study how to develop students’ ability to problem solve.
- their own problem-solving habits of mind and an understanding of some of the big mathematical ideas across grades 3-6.
- how to analyze tasks to determine if they promote genuine mathematical inquiry that requires students to think, reason, problem-solve, and engage in mathematical discourse.
- rich tasks, by doing the math as learners and experiencing pedagogy that engages students.
- a clear understanding of rich tasks and their role in a mathematics classroom.
- rich tasks they can try in their own classrooms and strategies to select and adapt standard tasks into rich tasks.
- pedagogical tools to help them facilitate student learning with rich tasks.
- student work analysis tools to track student development of big ideas and strategies.