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Grades K-2: 10-Minute Routines to Develop Problem-Solving Strategies

To have mathematical power, students need to have a wide range of problem-solving strategies. These strategies can be named and developed using carefully designed 10-minute math routines. In this session, participants will have the opportunity to learn about techniques they can use to develop critical problem-solving strategies in their own classrooms.

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CTLE: 1.5 credits per session


  • their own problem-solving strategies as they explore a variety of 10-minute math routines.
  • the essential techniques needed to effectively use these routines in their own classrooms.
  • how to differentiate these routines so that all students have access to them.


  • a variety of different 10-minute math routines they can use in their classrooms.
  • specific pedagogical tools that will help them think about how to effectively implement these routines in their classrooms.