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Grades K-2: How to Use On-Going Math Assessment to Maximize ALL Students’ Learning

How do we ensure all students learn to the highest levels? One way is to effectively use assessment to understand students’ development and then target students’ specific learning needs directly. To do this, teachers need to have a range of assessment tools that can help them gather the most information about student development in the shortest amount of time possible. In this 90 minute session, we will share a variety of assessment strategies for K-2 teachers to use to help them plan effective instruction.

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CTLE: 1.5 credits per session


  • a variety of assessment tools. This includes a sampling of one-on-one interviews and specific conferring techniques that will help them maximize the information they gather as they interact with students.
  • video of conferences. Transcripts of video shared will be used to highlight key assessment techniques.


  • one-on-one interviews to use with their students.
  • specific conferring tools to help them quickly gather information about students’ mathematical understanding.