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Advanced Coach Collaborative – Day 4

Content coaching involves teachers in planning and implementing effective, high-leverage learning experiences for their students. To do this, the content coach and teacher/s use a three-part cycle that includes planning, co-teaching in the classroom, and debriefing the lesson. As part of this process, the coaching team assesses both students’ development and effective pedagogies that can maximize learning.

  • Dates: 01/31, 02/07, 03/07, 04/04, 05/16
  • Time: 8:30 – 11:30 AM EST
  • Audience: Coaches & Teacher Leaders
  • Locations: TBA
  • Price: $1,000 (Shop DoE) or $1,200 per person for all 5 days

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  • design learning experiences to develop multiplicative reasoning in fourth grade students performing below grade level.
  • assess the quality of partner talk and understand what kinds of lessons can be used to improve students’ small-group discussions.
  • use a just-right games routine in early childhood to support computational fluency.


  • Sessions will include classroom visits.
  • Each host coach will share work currently being done with teachers in their schools.
  • Video and transcripts will be used to analyze the role of the coach in improving teaching and learning.